Thinking About Competing in Your First Bikini Competition?

Are you thinking about competing in your first bikini competition but don’t know where to start? Preparing for a bikini competition can be an exhilarating and nerve-wracking experience, but [...]

Bikini Prep Coach Welcomes Kayley Alberty

I look forward to working with Kayley over the coming months.

Congratulations Toni Belanger!

At its core, our sport is about bringing the best version of yourself to the stage.  Every time you do that you get a little closer to your goal.  I am very proud of you Toni.  Keep bringing your best.

Liza Davis, IFBB Pro – Client Testimonial

Liza is a beautiful and talented professional.  I truly enjoyed working with her.

6 Tips To Make Your First Bikini Competition a Success

Truth be told, I had many false starts before I actually ever got on stage.  I would diet and train for months, and at the very last minute, I would get nervous and withdraw.  Picture yourself [...]