The 5 Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

The 5 Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism are great body-hacks that will turbocharge your metabolism and burn extra calories and reach your fitness goals.

10 Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Whether you plan on competing one day or just need to lose a few extra pounds these 10 Tips will serve you well along the way.

6 Tips To Make Your First Bikini Competition a Success

Truth be told, I had many false starts before I actually ever got on stage.  I would diet and train for months, and at the very last minute, I would get nervous and withdraw.  Picture yourself [...]

Bikini Prep Coach Welcomes Amber Sherman

I think we may have another WBFF Transformation Champion in the making.

Team BPC Welcomes Body Transformation Client Nicole Amezola

Working with Nicole will be fun.  She has such great energy and is excited about achieving her goals.