How to Exercise When Its the Last Thing You Want to do

Exercise can be hard to motivate yourself to do, especially when you have a million other things vying for your attention. But as it turns out, there are a few psychological and behavioral tricks you can use to help get yourself moving. One is to prioritize exercise by making it a non-negotiable part of your schedule. Another is to look ahead and consider the benefits that exercise will bring to your future self. You can also try “temptation bundling” by pairing a workout with something you enjoy, like watching your favorite show or listening to a podcast. It’s also important to remember that people will judge, no matter what, so don’t let their opinions hold you back from taking care of your body. Finally, try using imagery to visualize yourself having a successful workout before you even start. By employing these strategies, you can overcome the excuses and start exercising, even when you don’t feel like it.

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